To be the leader of
future schools and international schools
online education

As a booster of offline education in brick-and-mortar schools, online education is organically integrated with and complements K12 education, higher education and international education. Gemdale Education, together with the UCAS and NIES, has opened a Tabao shop for STEAM education products, providing the output of quality education contents covering the whole school age, and allowing learners to break the constraints of time and space for study, enjoy qualify education products without leaving home, interact with national or even world famous teachers anytime and anywhere, and get a personalized and intelligent learning experience.

The online platform for science and
technology education of UCAS:

The platform for science and technology education of UCAS
The MOOC platform for new engineering education of UCAS
Online platform case library
Science and technology education and social platform

Gemdale Community  Accompanying
Learning Online Platform:

Based on community education,
Gemdale Education has created an online accompanying
learning community to provide customized and private education

services,  and launched the Elite Parent Academy and the online
personalized curriculum platform “Crowdfunding Academy”for
parents to help parents grow better together with their children.