To be the leader of
future schools and international schools
Basic education

Gemdale Education, together with the UCAS, focuses on a new education model of penetrating basic education with higher education and jointly establishing schools affiliated with colleges and universities, to create a new model for cultivating top talents and establish demonstration areas for the reform of education of science and technology to help reform basic education in China.

At present, Gemdale Education has built five “science and technology middle schools affiliated with the UCAS”, “science and technology schools affiliated with the UCAS” or “experimental schools affiliated with the UCAS” with top schools for basic education in China (Chongqing No.11 Middle School, Yiwu High School, Beijing Chenjinglun High School Education Group and Beijing 101 Middle School Education Group). In the future, it will also cooperate with local governments to build STEM centers and create national demonstration bases.

With the classes of innovative talents as carries, and academicians as head teachers, around the education idea of “letting students grow up around scientists”, and through programs such as the implementation of development program for science and technology talents, scientist forum, science study, brain science, training of Olympiad talents and teacher training programs, Gemdale Education has made a series of explorations in the integration of science and education, the reform of subject education and science education.

At the science and technology middle schools affiliated with the UCAS, students can meet face-to-face with academicians such as Zhang Jingzhong, Li Yongfang and Ouyang Zhongcan, and go into the laboratories of UCAS and its affiliated colleges for research on topics related to intelligent robots, gene editing technology, physical computers, semiconductor physical materials, optical waveguide displays and other fields. At present, 40 young scientists have graduated from the “Future Scientists Class”, fully demonstrating the humanistic, scientific and innovative spirit of China’s new generation.

  • Chongqing No.11 Middle School
  • Yiwu High School
  • Beijing Chenjinglun High School Education Group
  • Beijing 101 Middle School Education Group
  • University of Chinese Academy of Sciences