To be the leader of
future schools and international schools
Community education

From the perspective of future education, Gemdale Education adheres to the concept of “leading the future with science, technology and innovation” and strives to build innovative features of science and technology education. Focusing on the core of STEAM education, Gemdale Education provides a full range of out-of-school comprehensive quality education products (including language, art and science) for children aged 0-12, cultivates children’s “eight abilities”, builds the community quality education schools, and lights up the last mile of out-of-school comprehensive quality education.

Curriculum System

Gemdale community quality education school integrates high-quality education resources from home and abroad (such as UCAS, Caramel English and Otto2), to create a complete quality education curriculum system covering multiple fields such as mathematical thinking, Lego robotics, AI programming, art and English, so that each child can explore his or her own potential, construct a learning mindset, and acquire the necessary character and key abilities that can adapt to the needs of lifelong development and social development.

  • Gemdale Wisteam
  • Caramel English
  • Otto2 Art Aesthetics

Gemdale Wisteam provides private customized STEAM training program for children aged 3-12.

It integrates five disciplines (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and art), and designs its curriculum in an age-appropriate manner.

The education system is jointly developed by the NIES, the UCAS and domestic and foreign mathematics teaching and research institutions.

Curriculum philosophy

Aiming to cultivate children’s “multiple thinking ability”, and being built based on the sensitive period of growth of children, with mathematical thinking courses, science exploration courses, Lego robotics courses and AI programming courses as the carrier, the curriculum adopts an interactive and entertaining teaching model for children, focusing on the formation of children's abilities in eight areas: innovation, logical thinking, interdisciplinary understanding, problem solving, exploration, communication and expression, teamwork and arithmetic skills, to cultivate high-end core talents and globally competent new generations in the future AI era.

Featured curriculum
Brand profile

Founded in 1986, Caramel English is the world’s leading brand of English for young children, with headquarters in Seattle, USA, and branches in San Francisco and Vancouver, Canada. Educational products and services of Caramel English are popular in more than 100 schools in 22 countries including Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Egypt, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, and we have provided high-quality English educational products and training services to more than 100,000 children.

Caramel English offers only English learning solutions, grade-level story picture books, audio CDs and Elearning web-based online solutions, and develops children’s speaking skills, reading and writing skills through presentations, role plays, songs and other fun and innovative forms.

Featured curriculum

Originated from Taiwan and with 15 years of education experience in art aesthetics, Otto2 Art Aesthetics has more than 60 schools on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Based on aesthetic education, and through early childhood aesthetics, life aesthetics, and art aesthetics, it lets children feel the joy of active learning through games, experience, exploration and creation, and cultivate their confidence in creation.

Otto2 Art Aesthetics has developed five key abilities for young children by engaging them to experience and explore five senses in games based on life experience concepts. Using Otto2’s pioneering honeycomb creative teaching method, it has designed five major teaching systems for children aged 3-6 years old. The five key abilities are: Social skills, concentration, creativity, aesthetics and imagination.

Featured curriculum