To be the leader of
future schools and international schools


Meet Our Global Partners 南京金地未来学校全球4国连线迎接新学年

8月23日,英国皇家文法学校(Royal Gammar School Guildford, 以下简称RGSG)召开了线上年度国际新学年欢迎会。作为RGSG在中国的唯一战略合作伙伴,金地教育以及RGSG中国分校南京金地未来学校、RGSG英国总校、RGSG卡塔尔分校、RGSG迪拜分校教职和管理人员一起参加了线上会议。




会上,英国皇家文法学校(吉尔福德)总校长Jon Cox向家庭成员介绍了RGSG的悠长历史和独特的教育理念。英国皇家文法学校(吉尔福德)建校500年,在全英250多所文法学校中排名前列,近十年来,一直保持着卓越的牛津剑桥录取率。作为英国最优质的文法学校之一,RGSG一直秉持包容、学术、正直、尊重、勇气和合作 (Inclusivity, Scholarship, Integrity, Respect, Courage and Collaboration)的办校及教学理念。面对未来社会对年轻人的考验,RGSG近年将培养胜任未来人才加入教学理念中。Jon Cox表示,最好的教育远不止优秀的考试分数,更是培养批判性思维、有创造力和独立思考能力的学习者。


南京金地国际学校是RGSG在全球的第3所国际学校。英方校长Matthew Ford表示,南京金地未来学校经过一年的发展,迎来了倍数增长的在校生规模和师资规模。去年,南京金地国际学校成功建立了书院制。书院之间的竞赛和活动收到学生们非常积极的反响。


会后,我们就英国皇家文法集团的办学理念、特色、战略等话题,对英国皇家文法学校(吉尔福德)总校长Jon Cox进行了专访。

Q: 首先热烈祝贺RGSG今年9月又新添一所分校—迪拜分校,请为大家介绍下这个RGSG家族的新成员和中东的另一个校区卡塔尔校区。

Q: First, we would like to congratulate RGSG on the addition of a new campus in September this year - Dubai Campus, please introduce this new member of the RGSG family. Please also introduce the other campus in the Middle East, Qatar Campus.

Jon: RGSG迪拜将于8月底迎来开学第一天。我们很高兴能够进入一个教育受到高度重视和尊重的地方。我们对迪拜公众对RGSG迪拜的反应感到很开心。今年学校即将迎来250多名新生,同时我们相信更多学生将看到RGSG的优势,在新的学年陆续报名入学。我们与拥有全球数所学校的英国教育公司合作,结合RGSG的综合专业知识,一起打造世界一流的学校。我们的卡塔尔分校在不断发展中,五年前仅有小学部的学校,今天已经拥有700名在校生。与此同时,为高年级学生修建的中学部教学楼即将完工。过去一年,RGSG卡塔受到疫情影响巨大,但我很高兴地告诉大家它的状况良好并持续发展着。

Jon: RGSG Dubai opens its doors to new pupils at the end of August.  We are very excited to be entering a new market in a place where education is highly valued and respected.  We have been delighted by the response of the Dubai public to our new school.  We are expecting over 250 pupils to join us at the start of the new school year and are confident that the reputation of the school will encourage even more to join during the first year of existence.  We are working in partnership with the British education company who own schools throughout the world and are enjoying sharing our combined expertise to create a world-class school.  Our School in Qatar continues to develop.  From a small start with just junior pupils five years ago, there are now 700 pupils attending and a new secondary school wing is nearing completion to house the senior pupils.  Like schools throughout the world, RGSG Qatar has faced major challenges from the pandemic but I am pleased to report that it is in good shape and continuing to grow.

Q: 我们留意到无论是RGSG南京还是卡塔尔、迪拜,学校建筑设计都非常前卫、高级。这与我们英国总校的朴素、古老、英式形成了较大的反差。您如何评价RGSG几个全球分校的建筑特色和风格?他们在办学上分别有何特色?

Q: We have noticed that the architectural design of the schools in RGSG Nanjing, Qatar and Dubai are all very modern and high class. This is a big contrast to the quaint, old-fashioned, British style of our main campus in the UK. How would you rate the architectural features and styles of RGSG global campuses? What are the characteristics of each of them in terms of schooling?

Jon: 我很高兴我们的新分校是以21世纪教育挑战和要求来设计建造的。英国吉尔福德的校区中心是建于16世纪中叶的老建筑。老教学楼仍然用于教学,这能让学生和老师们感受到RGSG悠久传统和历史。同时,我很高兴的是,RGSG也在持续翻修和更新教学设施,以提供能适应现代和具创新意义的教育方式。毫无疑问的是,英国吉尔福德总校的工作人员也非常羡慕我们其他全球各地分校的设施和场地,这些具有现代感和开创性设计的学校是未来学校的模样。

Jon: I am delighted that our new schools were designed from scratch to embrace the challenges and requirements of a 21st Century education.  The heart of our school in Guildford is the Old Building built in the middle of the 16th Century.  This part of the School is still utilised for the education of our students and it is important that they feel a part of the long tradition and history of the RGS.  I am pleased to report, however, that the RGS has continued to develop its buildings and facilities so that we can provide the necessary space to educate our students in the modern and innovative way which will prepare them effectively for the future.  There is no doubt that staff at RGSG Guildford look on quite enviously at the facilities and space present in our new schools, which are fine examples the way modern and pioneering schools should be designed for the future.

Q: 包括RGSG南京在内,RGSG目前的全球分校已有4所。作为一所有着500年历史的英国学校,RGSG为何要走出英国伦敦吉尔福德?全球化布局对你们来说有哪些意义?

Q: Including RGSG Nanjing, there are now four RGSG global campuses. As a 500-year-old British school, why did RGSG go beyond Guildford, London? What is the significance of the global layout for you?

Jon: 吉尔福德的学生同样生活在全球化的今天。未来的工作场所是不受国界限制的。吉尔福德的学生未来也将与世界各地的人们一起工作和互动。与其他RGSG分校的年轻人互动学习,是吉尔福德的学生对未来全球化做准备的一种好方式。我们对建立各国际校区的学生和教职员工的伙伴关系抱有很大的期待。一旦疫情退散,我们期待以更有意义的方式与我们的国际分校合作。

Jon: Our students in Guildford are part of a global population.  The workplace of the future is not limited by national boundaries.  Our students will be working and interacting with people from across the world.  What better way to prepare them for the future than by engaging in partnership with young people at other RGSG schools around the world.  We have great ambitions for partnerships among our international schools both for our pupils and for staff.  Once the restrictions forced on us by the pandemic have receded, we are looking forward to engaging with our international schools in a much more meaningful way.

Q: 大家知道RGSG是一所全英顶尖的文法学校,学术水平位居全国前列,请为我们进一步“揭秘”这所古老又神秘的英国学校,它有哪些独特的魅力、文化、理念、环境?500年来,这所学校有哪些变与不变?为何能保持长盛不衰?

Q: RGSG is one of the top grammar schools in the UK, with the highest academic standards in the country, please tell us more about this old and mysterious British school, what are its unique charm, culture, philosophy and environment? What is the difference between a grammar school and an ordinary public, private, or aristocratic school in the UK, and what has changed and what has remained the same over the past 500 years? Why has it been able to maintain its longevity?

Jon: RGSG有500年的历史。它成立于1509年,当时是一所"免费学校",为有抱负进入牛津大学和剑桥大学的男孩提供教育。经过一个世纪的经营,它成为一所收费学校。20世纪初,出于经济原因,它成为国家教育系统的一部分。RGSG于1944年正式成为国立文法学校,这是一所精英学校,精英年轻人在这里不需要支付学费就可以接受教育。1977年,RGSG恢复成一所独立学校。由于当时政府要求将RGSG合并入吉尔福德的一所大型州立综合学校,为了让RGSG的名字和历史保存下来,学校不得不独立出来,而这个独立决定拯救了RGSG。


Jon: The RGS has a 500 year history.  It was initially established in 1509 as a ‘free-school’ for boys, educating those with ambitions to attend Oxford and Cambridge Universities.  After a century of existence, it became a feepaying school and it continued to charge fees until the beginning of the 20th Century when, for financial reasons, it became a part of the state education system.  The RGS officially became a state grammar school in 1944, a selective school for bright young men who paid no fees for their education.  In 1977 the RGS reverted to become an independent school. It was forced to do so because of the demands of the government at the time to merge the RGS into a large state comprehensive school for Guildford.  Such a merger would have meant the school going out of existence, losing its name and its history.  The decision to become independent saved the School.

Although the school has changed its structure and status on many occasions during its 500 year history, what has not changed are the values we live by; Inclusivity, Scholarship, Integrity, Respect, Courage and Collaboration.  Our school embodies these values at all times.  We are highly successful from an academic point of view but we are successful because of the importance we attach to every value, not just that of scholarship.  We need to prepare our young people for life not just for exams and our philosophy  of educating for life pervades everything we do here.

Q: 您如何理解国际化教育,您眼中国际化教育的精髓是什么?RGSG总校进行了哪些国际化教育的尝试,听说你们有不少来自中国等国家的国际学生?您如何理解英式教育,为何英式教育在全球广受赞誉?如何理解跨国界办学,它的价值何在?

Q: How do you understand international education and what do you think is the essence of international education, and what are the attempts of international education at RGSG, and I heard that you have many international students from China and other countries? How do you understand British education and why is it so well received around the world? How do you understand cross-border schooling and what is the value of it?

Jon:英国的教育体系在世界范围内享有很高的声誉。作为一所在提供英国教育方面取得显著成功的学校,我们希望向世界各地分享我们的专业知识。国际教育不仅仅是在英国以外提供与吉尔福德学生一样的教育, 也是在输出我们所擅长的事情,并将这些经验与国际分校在其本土的教育系统相结合。我们不仅需要对东道主国家的当地规章制度保持敏感度,还需要认识当地文化及教育理念的积极影响。教育的一个重要部分是让教师学习和实践新的教学方法,让学生们通过互相分享想法和经验来学习和适应未来社会。

Jon: The British education system has a very high reputation around the world.  As a school which has been notably successful in delivering a British education we are keen to share our expertise around the world.  International education is not about simply delivering the same education abroad that we would deliver to the boys in Guildford.  It is about exporting the best of what we do and blending these ideas with the education systems in the countries in which we operate.  Not only do we need to be sensitive to the local rules and regulations of our host countries but we also need to recognize the very positive effects of sharing educational ideas which arise from the cultures with which we are engaging.  An important part of education is for teachers to experience and to learn new ways to prepare young people for the future and they do that by sharing ideas and experiences.

Q: RGSG计划如何将自己的办学理念、经验、优势、资源,复刻或输送给全球分校,使分校获益?

Q: How does RGSG plan to replicate or channel its philosophy, experience, strengths and resources to the global campuses to benefit them?

Jon: 我们必须确保RGSG价值观是国际分校一切工作的核心。我们在世界各地的学校不可避免地会以不同的方式工作,这是意料之中和值得称赞的,只要RGSG的价值观在每个人心中有着重要位置,大家就会有一种归属感和共同进步感。作为创始学校,RGSG(吉尔福德)有责任与我们的国际学校分享和联动,并将找到更加充分的互动方式。

Jon: We must ensure that our school values are at the heart of everything we do at our international campuses.  Our schools in various locations across the world will inevitably do things differently; that is to be expected and applauded. As long as the values of RGS Guildford are at the forefront of everyone’s minds there will be a shared sense of community and progress which will be for the good of all.  As the founding school, RGS Guildford takes its responsibilities to share and collaborate with our international campuses very seriously and we are looking for ways to engage fully in the future.

Q: 过去的一年半,疫情肆虐全球,RGSG依然顺利地进行了RGSG南京和RGSG迪拜开学,你们克服了哪些困难?

Q: Over the past one and a half years, RGSG has successfully opened RGSG Nanjing and RGSG Dubai despite the global epidemic, what difficulties have you overcome?

Jon: 的确遇到了有很多困难。最大的困难之一是强制将RGSG(吉尔福德)与其国际学校隔离。我们通常会定期访问,进行当面会谈、分享经验和提供建议。在过去的一年半里,这样的会谈是不可能实现的。我们不得不适应新的工作方式。在许多方面,我们面对疫情的适应性和创新工作方式是一个胜利,同时给学生们竖立了一个坚韧和思维创新的榜样。在过去的18个月里,我们在工作的各方面展示了我们认为对年轻人很重要的价值观。有什么比榜样更好的教育方式呢?

Jon: There were many difficulties.It has certainly not been an easy road to follow.  One of the most obvious difficulties has been the enforced isolation of RGS Guildford from its international schools.  We would usually be visiting on a fairly regular basis to chat, to share and to advise.  This has not been possible over the past year and a half and we have had to adapt to new ways of doing things.  In many respects, our adaptability and our innovative approach to education and to the establishment of our new schools has been a triumph, and a great example to our young people of tenacity, resilience and creativity of thought.  Over the past 18 months we have, in many respects, demonstrated those school values which we believe to be important to our young people.  What better way to educate than by being a good example to others.

Q: RGSG南京成功创校并走过一年,作为英国总校,对RGSG南京的办学有何总体评价?

Q: RGSG Nanjing has been successfully established for one year, what is your overall evaluation of RGSG Nanjing?

Jon: 我们对RGSG南京在其成立的第一年所取得的进展感到高兴。我毫不怀疑,金地教育、RGSG(吉尔福德)和学校的高级职员之间已经建立了良好的关系,这预示着一个令人兴奋的未来。

Jon:We are delighted with the progress made by RGSG Nanjing during its first year of existence.  I have no doubt that an excellent relationship has been established between Gemdale, RGSG Guildford and the senior staff at the school and this bodes very well for an exciting future.

Q: 待疫情缓解,RGSG南京和英国总校将如何实现更深层次的互动?RGSG南京和其他全球分校如何资源共享和互动?

Q:When the pandemic subsides, how will RGSG Nanjing interact with the UK Head Office in a closer way and how to share resources and interact with other global campuses?

Jon: 一旦条件允许,我们希望与我们的国际学校更密切地互动。RGSG学术会议就是可操作的互动例子。会议能够通过线上连线,向卡塔尔和南京的教职员工和学生展示各国际分校取得的成就。我期待着更多的互动方式。疫情加深了RGSG(吉尔福德)对科技的运用,在科技的支持下RGSG持续提供着教学和家长服务,而科技的支持也将让国际学校之间的沟通更加便捷和深入。

Jon: We desire to engage more closely with our international schools once conditions permit.  The nature of such engagement is for discussion.  The RGSG Scholarship Conference was a good example of the sort of collaboration which is possible.  To be able to video stream this conference to staff and young people in Qatar and Nanjing was very pleasing and demonstrates what can be achieved between our schools.  I am looking forward to the possibilities of new partnerships.  The pandemic required an adoption of the use of new technology to deliver a wide range of educational and parental services at the RGSG and this new technological confidence will stand us in very good stead for the next few years.

Q: 金地教育作为RGSG在中国唯一的官方授权合作伙伴,双方的合作已成功开局,您对未来的合作有何期待和规划?RGSG将为中国的家庭、中国的国际化教育带来哪些独特的服务和价值?

Q: Gemdale Education is the only official authorized partner of RGSG in China. what are your expectations and plans for future cooperation? What unique services and values will RGSG bring to Chinese families and international education in China?

Jon: 我们与金地教育的合作非常愉快,并为南京金地未来学校的成立感到自豪。我们期待再次拜访南京学校,亲眼见证这所学校的成功以及探讨我们未来合作的方式。我们很期待与金地教育合作建造更多RGSG校园,服务更多的中国学生。我们相信RGSG教育将为中国学生提供必须的技能和专业知识,让他们在未来为中国和世界各地做出宝贵贡献。

Jon: We have very much enjoyed working with Gemdale and are proud of the school which has been established in Nanjing.  We are looking forward to visiting you again to see, in person, the successes of this school and the way in which we can work together in the future.  We are excited by the prospect of working with Gemdale to create further RGSG campuses in China for the benefit of so many more Chinese students.  We are confident that an RGSG education will give them the skills and expertise they need to make a valuable contribution to society in the future both in China and throughout the world.